Ayuntamiento de Villanueva del Rosario
El alcalde de Villanueva del Rosario, Juan González, y la concejala de Obras, Milagros Luque, han mantenido esta tarde (08/07) una reunión con los residentes del Brosque y alrededores para explicarles de primera mano la situación actual con respecto a los cortes de abastecimiento de agua que se están llevando a cabo en la zona, dado que en las últimas semanas se ha multiplicado la ocupación de viviendas provocando falta de suministro.El encuentro ha servido para informar de las actuaciones que sobre este tema el Ayuntamiento está realizando y las que tiene previsto ejecutar de cara al futuro. Una de ellas, tal y como han explicado, es el encargo de un proyecto a un estudio de ingeniería que contemple la mejora de la red de abastecimiento de esta zona y que, de cara al futuro, se pueda acometer por fases.
El equipo de Gobierno aprovecha para agradecer la asistencia a todas las personas que han participado en la reunión y, especialmente, su compresión de la situación. #VillanuevadelRosario
The mayor of Villanueva del Rosario, Juan González, and the councilor for Works, Milagros Luque, held a meeting this afternoon (08/07) with the residents of Brosque and the surrounding area to explain first-hand the current situation regarding the water supply cuts that They are being carried out in the area, given that in recent weeks the occupation of houses has multiplied causing a lack of supply.
The meeting has served to inform of the actions that the Town Council is carrying out on this topic and those that it plans to carry out for the future. One of them, as they have explained, is the commissioning of a project to an engineering study that contemplates the improvement of the supply network of this area and that, for the future, may be undertaken in phases.
The Local Authority team takes the opportunity to thank all those who have participated in the meeting for their assistance and, especially, for their understanding of the situation.
Escudo de Villanueva del Rosario. Plaza de España, 9, 29312 Villanueva del Rosario. 952742008. 952742213.
The meeting has served to inform of the actions that the Town Council is carrying out on this topic and those that it plans to carry out for the future. One of them, as they have explained, is the commissioning of a project to an engineering study that contemplates the improvement of the supply network of this area and that, for the future, may be undertaken in phases.
The Local Authority team takes the opportunity to thank all those who have participated in the meeting for their assistance and, especially, for their understanding of the situation.
Escudo de Villanueva del Rosario. Plaza de España, 9, 29312 Villanueva del Rosario. 952742008. 952742213.
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